Data-driven operations

Top three benefits:

  • Make better informed business decisions and improve the efficiency of daily business activities such as stock replenishment.
  • Assist agents with customer creditworthiness assessments.
  • Increase the efficiency of market expansion through targeting specific communities.

Top three challenges:

  • Data points and algorithms might lead to unintentionally biased decisions that disadvantage certain customer demographics.
  • The quantity and quality of data available to last mile distributors might be insufficient and lead to wrong business decisions.
  • If companies lack IT capabilities, organising and analysing data can be difficult and time-consuming. 

Credit: Practical Action and Edoardo Santangelo


  • Nithio is an AI-driven platform for climate finance and a past GDC Innovation Challenge winner that helped Vitalite Zambia (GDC member) develop a data-driven underwriting service for their credit portfolio. 
  • Kambasco (GDC member) in Uganda collaborated with SACCOs and a Mobile Network Operator, allowing them to exchange data to better risk-assess their customers (watch the webinar).
  • Maad and Optimetrik have developed remote agent management software that includes tools like agent route planning. 
  • Let us know who else should be on this list


  • Service providers such as VIDA and Fraym offer hundreds of unique population attributes to analyse and compare communities across the globe. 
  • CGAP‘s technical guide includes recommended data points and indicators for credit assessment. 
  • Prospect, A2EI and GET.invest’s open-source data platform, optimises real-time data collection, analysis, and visualisation to support sustainable energy stakeholders in providing affordable and clean energy access for all. 
  • Energy Access Explorer maps show the state of energy access in underserved areas across Africa and Asia.
  • Open Data Cube is an open source geospatial data management and analysis platform with projects in Africa.
  • Power BI is a popular tool for data visualisation 
  • Find more digital service providers in our GDC Digital Service Catalogue.