PAYGo product diversification

Top three benefits:

  • Lower the costs of customer acquisition (for PAYGo cross-selling).
  • Better manage credit portfolio risks (for both), specifically once someone has paid off one product, they are low-risk candidates for a second loan (for PAYGo cross-selling). 
  • Offer customers more products such as improved cookstoves, biodigesters, water filters and solar fridges (for both). 

Top three challenges:

  • Adding new product categories might require substantial investments in marketing, agent training, and after-sales support.
  • Scaling of PAYGo sales requires access to working capital, and wide adoption of mobile money among customers. 
  • Categories other than solar energy present fewer PAYGo enabled options to choose from.  

Photo credit: Practical Action and Edoardo Santangelo


  • D2D Pro was a UK aid funded project in which Bopinc piloted cross-selling of solar home systems and bioethanol cookstoves in Nigeria (read more).
  • M-Kopa has sold water tanks to customers that previously bought their solar products. M-Kopa also started selling PAYGo smartphones.
  • Supplied by SunCulture, Bboxx in Togo started to deploy solar irrigation pumps using the same PAYGo model they used for their Solar Home Systems (read more).
  • Gas360 in Nigeria has added PAYGo to their LPG gas cylinders.
  • Let us know who else should be on this list


  • BFA’s study of payment behaviour, churn, and customer lifetime value from the PAYGo workstream of their FIBR Project.
  • World Bank’s solar energy 2022 state of sector report investigates why PAYGo and cross-selling are such an important trend.
  • PaygOps’ report debunks myths about PAYGo and explores use cases for new product categories. 
  • CGAP explores how PAYGo goes beyond solar.