Carbon credit finance

Top three benefits:

  • Develop new income streams to fund expansion. 
  • Use carbon credits to subsidise products to increase the addressable market.
  • Close the affordability gap to scale access to clean energy solutions.

Top three challenges:

  • Acquiring and sustaining the right certification of carbon credits can be a time consuming process.
  • Maintaining liquidity given the mismatch between the timing of costs incurred to set up a carbon project and income generated from the carbon project. 
  • Managing carbon price volatility. 

Photo credit: GDC


  • ATEC (GDC member) is a manufacturer and distributor of biodigesters that sold 11.5M tons of carbon credits to ENGIE (read more here).
  • BURN collects usage data from their e-cookers to support carbon credit sales.
  • EcoZoom Cookstoves claims to mitigate 2-3 tons of CO2 per cookstove per year
  • Emerging Cooking Solutions are leveraging carbon credits in Zambia
  • Let us know who else should be on this list


  • Get introduced to the carbon markets in Africa with this Dalberg x TED video.Acumen wrote about how carbon credits are driving down the costs of climate-friendly goods in Africa.
  • The Clean Cooking Alliance is hosting working groups for responsible carbon finance. 
  • A new study from the Container Based Sanitation Alliance finds that carbon credits can provide a viable revenue for container-based sanitation providers in urban areas.